Baby Bonus Scheme



Baby Bonus Scheme

Children bring joy to the family. To support couples in their decision to have more children, the Baby Bonus Scheme helps to lighten the financial costs of raising children. The Scheme is part of the Marriage and Parenthood Package and enhanced on 14 Feb 2023 to provide parents with more support in their child's early years. 

The Scheme includes a Cash Gift ($11,000 - $13,000) and Child Development Account (CDA) benefits.

For information on the Baby Bonus Scheme, please visit its FAQ.

You can check if your child is eligible for the Baby Bonus benefits by using the 'Eligibility Check'.



A child may be eligible for the Baby Bonus Scheme if:

  • he or she is a Singapore Citizen and
  • his or her parents are lawfully married.

Children of unwed parents may be eligible for Child Development (CDA) benefits only if they are born on or after 1 September 2016.


Joining the Scheme

You can submit the online form for your child to join the Scheme as early as 2 months before their estimated delivery date. Please click here for the form.


Cash Gift

You can expect to receive the cash gift within 7 to 10 working days of your child's birth registration, or after your child's enrolment into Baby Bonus Scheme, whichever is later. The cash gift is disbursed every 6 months till the child turns six-and-a-half years. You can use the cash gift to pay for your newborn child's expenses.


Child Order

Born on or after 1 Jan 2015

(for each child)

Born on or after 14 Feb 2023

(for each child)

1st and 2nd $8,000 $11,000
3rd and subsequent birth order $10,000 $13,000


Time Amount of Cash Gift disbursed
  1st and 2nd Birth Orders 3rd and Subsequent Birth Orders
At Birth $3,000 $4,000
6 months $1,500 $2,000
12 months $1,500 $2,000
18 months $1,000 $1,000
2 until 6.5 years + $400 every 6 months + $400 every 6 months
Total $11,000 $13,000


Child Development Account

You can expect your child's CDA to be opened within 3 to 5 working days of your child's birth registration, or after your child's enrolment into Baby Bonus Scheme, whichever is later.

The CDA is a special co-savings account. When a CDA is opened at DBS/POSB, OCBC or UOB, your child will receive the (a) CDA First Step Grant which will be automatically deposited into the CDA without you having to save first; and (b) dollar-for-dollar Government co-matching for each dollar that you deposit in the CDA, up to the maximum Government co-matching cap. You can save into and use the CDA until 31 December of the year your child turns 12 years old.

You can use the CDA funds at the Baby Bonus Approved Institutions (AIs) to pay for the following expenses of your child: 

  • Fees for registered childcare centres, kindergartens, special education schools and early intervention programmes
  • Medical expenses at healthcare institutions such as hospitals and General Practitioner clinics
  • Premiums for MediShield Life or MediSave-approved private integrated plans (Note: If premium is paid by MediSave, there must be cash top-up to MediSave before the CDA can be used to reimburse the parent.)
  • Assistive technology devices
  • Eye-related products and services at optical shops
  • Approved healthcare items at pharmacies

To search for an AI, visit ‘Approved Institutions’.


Government-Paid Leave Scheme (GPLS)

The Government-Paid Leave Schemes (e.g. Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Childcare Leave) under the Marriage and Parenthood (M&P) package aim to foster a pro-family environment in Singapore. These leave schemes support parents in managing their work and family responsibilities. Self-employed parents and employers can claim for reimbursement via the GPL portal.

For more information, contact us at 1800 253 4757 or

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